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03F - Interactive version of How to read a mammogram

This interactive lecture teaches how to find breast cancers in the retroareolar region and also calls attention on parenchymal contour changes as the only sign of occult breast cancers.

36 minutes
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Includes CME Certificate
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Continuation of the new lecture series entitled: "New version of How to read a mammogram". This interactive lecture teaches how to find breast cancers in the retroareolar region and also describes the difficulty of finding breast cancers in dense breasts. Demonstration of early breast cancers that alter the parenchymal contour helps the radiologist to pay attention to subtle changes and find non-calcified invasive breast cancers in the size range of 1-14 mm.

Certificate of Completion

Subtitles available in:

  • English by László Tabár
  • ελληνικά by Stergios Prapavesis