Attention e-learning users:
We’re pleased to announce that is now part of The Tabár Foundation for Breast Cancer Research and Education.
While the platform has a new home, nothing else has changed—Dr. Tabár continues to lead and deliver the same high-quality educational content.
Thank you for being part of our mission to advance breast cancer education!
László Tabár, M.D. FACR (Hon)
Although the diffusely infiltrating breast cancers of mesenchymal stem cell origin account for about 5-8% of all breast cancers, they have a high fatality rate, therefore this lecture series includes many examples in an interactive presenting style.
Asymmetric densities with no associated microcalcifications on the mammogram are a considerable challenge for the radiologist reading mammograms. It is important to distinguish between asymmetric densities corresponding to normal fibroglandular tissue (in order to cut back on unnecessary call-back rate) and the non-calcified malignant or benign breast lesions (in order to achieve high sensitivity). The lecture series "Asymmetric densities with no associated microcalcifications on the mammogram" provide the radiologists detailed, practical information from the basics through the most complex breast malignancies. The lecture series are interactive, involving the audience in the screening process and the immediate workup of the finding uses the multimodality approach to arrive at the correct diagnosis.
This lecture is 68S