Attention e-learning users:
We’re pleased to announce that is now part of The Tabár Foundation for Breast Cancer Research and Education.
While the platform has a new home, nothing else has changed—Dr. Tabár continues to lead and deliver the same high-quality educational content.
Thank you for being part of our mission to advance breast cancer education!
László Tabár, M.D. FACR (Hon)
Description and solution to the problem of fluid producing carcinoma originating from the major ducts.
About 20% of all breast cancers originate from the major ducts. The fatality rate is high due to neoductgenesis and stem cell origin. There are six mammographic presentations of these breast cancer subtypes, four of which show characteristic microcalcifications. The fragmented and dotted casting type calcifications are the result of cell necrosis.
This lecture deals with the remaining two subtypes which have microcalcifications suspended in the fluid produced by the micropapillary/cribriform cancer cells in the major ducts. These skipping stone-like and string of pearl-like calcifications pose a real challenge for radiologists. The diagnostic challenges and solutions are comprehensively covered.