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Complete 4-day teaching course

providing 30 CME credits

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  1. Introductory lecture to the MEI courses
  2. New terminology. L Tabar (breast imager) – L Tucker (pathologist)
  3. Control of Breast Cancer. The Past and the Present
  4. Control of Breast Cancer. The Future
  5. How to read a mammogram? PART I
  6. How to read a mammogram? PART II
  7. Find breast cancers as early as the experts do. Cancers found on the Milky Way. Patient positioning. Part IA
  8. Find breast cancers as early as the experts do. Cancers found on the Milky Way. Parts IB and IC
  9. Find breast cancers as early as the experts do. Cancers found on the No man’s land. Part II
  10. Find breast cancers as early as the experts do. Parenchymal contour changes and cancers in the medial half of the breast. Parts III, IV
  11. Find breast cancers as early as the experts do. Retroareolar cancers Part V
  12. How to find mammographically occult breast cancers using the multimodality approach. PART I
  13. How to find mammographically occult breast cancers using the multimodality approach. PART II
  14. How to find mammographically occult breast cancers using the multimodality approach. PART III
  15. How to find mammographically occult breast cancers using the multimodality approach. PART IV
  16. How to find mammographically occult breast cancers using the multimodality approach. PART V
  17. Radial scar, Swiss cheese disease
  18. Architectural distortion without calcifications on the mammogram representing extensive duct forming invasive carcinoma (neoductgenesis)
  19. Diffusely infiltrating breast cancer of mesenchymal origin (a.k.a. diffuse ILC)
  20. Pleomorphic calcifications on the mammogram Part 1/3
  21. Pleomorphic calcifications on the mammogram Part 2/3
  22. Pleomorphic calcifications on the mammogram Part 3/3
  23. Calcification analysis in a nutshell. Part 1/2
  24. Calcification analysis in a nutshell. Part 2/2
  25. Benign and malignant papillary lesions of the breast. Part 1 of 2
  26. Benign and malignant papillary lesions of the breast, Part 2 of 2
  27. Advanced calcification analysis 3A
  28. Advanced calcification analysis 2AB
  29. Advanced calcification analysis 2CD
  30. Carcinoma in situ of the breast: correlating imaging with histopathology. L Tabar (breast imager) and L Tucker (pathologist)
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