Attention e-learning users:
We’re pleased to announce that is now part of The Tabár Foundation for Breast Cancer Research and Education.
While the platform has a new home, nothing else has changed—Dr. Tabár continues to lead and deliver the same high-quality educational content.
Thank you for being part of our mission to advance breast cancer education!
László Tabár, M.D. FACR (Hon)
After a short time a webpage will open announcing the „Mammographie Symposium 2022“. With Special Guests: Dr. Laszlo Tabár and Dr. Peter Dean. And Moderation by Pascal Baltzer and Matthias Dietzel.
Depending on your settings part of the screen may be covered by a box about cookies. The box has a prominent flat orange bar, asking you to accept their use. Do so by clicking on „Akzeptieren“
Farther down the screen, possibly on the right, click on the prominent orange bar labeled: „In den Warenkorb“.
After a short time the top of screen will show a rectangular green box with the inscription: „Mammographie 2022: Symposium“ wurde Ihrem Warenkorb hinzugefügt.
On the bottom right click on the flat orange bar labeled „Weiter zur Kasse“
(Just above the bar you will see that the cost of the free symposium is 0,00 €.)
On the next screen you must enter your registration details that are also needed for the german CME credits:
In the white box under „ANREDE“ click on the arrow and choose one of the options (Herr, Frau, Divers, or Keine Angabe (no entry)).
Under „Titel“ you may optionally enter your title.
Under „VORNAME“ enter your first name.
Under „NACHNAME“ enter your last name.
In the next two boxes enter your email address and your phone number.
Under „Fortbildungsnummer“ enter your ID number for specialized training, if you have one.
If you are a medical student please click the little box on the left next to : „IICH BEFINDE MICH IN DER AUSBILDUNG“
You may optionally enter your company name and VAT no. Under „FIRMENNAME“ and „UST.-ID“, respectively.
Note, even though the course is free, you must fill in the address details for the symposium invoice under „Rechnungsanschrift“:
Please select one of the countries available under „LAND /. Region.
Enter your street name and number in the first line under „STRASSE“
Provide any additional detail (eg apartment, suite , room, etc.) in the second line under under „STRASSE“.
Enter the postal code under „POSTLEITZAHL“
Enter the name of the city or village under „ORT / STADT“
Optionally indicate any additional information under „Zusätzliche Informationen“
At the bottom of the webpage tick the very small white box next to: „“MIT IHRER BESTELLUNG ….“
At the bottom, click on the large tab “Jetzt kaufen”.
If a required field has not been filled in, or if one of the entries is highly implausible, you will see an error message in red font.
If you did not enter an ID number for specialized training you might get an error message. If that is the case, enter a fictive no. (eg with 7 digits).
If there are no error messages, after clicking on “Jetzt kaufen” the next screen will confirm your registration (“Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf“).
Your registration number („BESTELLNUMMER“) will be shown and the date of registration.
A confirmation email will also be sent to the email address you entered online.